Quick Recap: The Challenge Battle of The Exes II 26×08

240dee– The Challenge returned with another great episode, converting Battle of The Exes II in one of my favorite challenges since Fresh Meat 2. Episode 8, titled “You’ve lost that loving Feeling” finally concluded the bitchy relationship argument between Sarah and Jordan and delivered 2 great challenges.

– Before this weeks challenge Sarah and Jordan made peace after she wrote a letter to him. In the meantime Nia was working her mouth cause she was pissed for going into elimination in the last episode.

– This weeks challenge was just a treat, called Speed Dating: Teams have to jump back and forth from one tractor trailer to another, while each trailer is moving side-by-side at a speed of 30 mph on a runway. Each team is positioned on one trailer, with an empty wall that has an arrow slot, while attached to a safety harness that is hanging from a platform on one trailer. Each partner alternates retrieving several colored balls from the opposite trailer. The goal is to deposit as many balls into the arrow slot on the wall as possible, before the trailers reach the end of the runway. The guys must stay on the outside of their female partners in order to avoid having their safety harness tangled up, and midway through the runway, the trailers will separate when they reach smoke signals, making it impossible for any partner to jump. A player must wait for their partner to return to the wall on one trailer before jumping onto the opposite trailer. The team that deposits the most balls into the wall wins the Power Couple, while the team that deposits the least amount of balls is automatically sent to the Dome.

– I was surprised that Sarah and Jordan were so stupid and made their cords tangle making them the weakest couple. Zach had another mental break and was so stupid and behaved like an idiot once more. And I was glad it was Zach’s fault they didn’t win. The other couples performed solid, except Jay and Jenna who barely outdone Sarah and Jordon who were able to jump 2 times. This weeks power couple were Leroy and Nia and here is where the bitchiness starts.

– Leroy wanted to play a game and outsmart everyone, but we all know he isn’t that smart. At the power couple dinner, he assures Zach and Jonna they are 100% out and assures Jay and Jenna they are most likely go in. Than the Wes-machine steps in, he says Leroy if he pushes Zach in Leroy and Nia will be Wes’s number 1. Wes is such a great speaker and he so easily convinces Leroy to throw in Zach so they would have Jay and Jenna as a safety bat for the next elimination. I was glad with which grace Sarah and Jordon took their Dome challenge and didn’t mess with any of the drama.

– The Dome was so fun! Hammer It Home: Teams have to use a sledge-hammer to advance an eye beam from one end of a track to another, where a bell is located. The guys will start by hammering the beam to the halfway point, where their female partners will take over. The first team to advance their beam to the end of the track wins. Zach and Jonna put up on a hell of a fight but at the end Jordan’s technique with a hammer prevailed.

– In this weeks Battle of the Exiled: Banany had to face last weeks loser Riley and Avery. In the Take Out: Teams have to use a pair of bamboo poles to pluck out four round items from a deep rectangular ditch (one of them a soccer ball), and place the items inside their designated circle, with the poles. The first team to deposit all of their items into their circle wins, Banany had the upper hand and qualified for the last Battle of The Exiled challenge against Jonna and Zach, cause next weeks winner will re-enter the house.

– Before we close out this Recap, let’s give out a couple of episode awards, given out by preference not performance:

Most screwed couple: Zach and Jonna, Zach certainly deserved it but didn’t saw it coming at all.

Best reconciliation: Sarah and Jordan.

Best The Challenge Manipulator: Wes, hands down.

Luckiest couple out there: Sarah and Jordan.

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